Payroll Giving and Corporate Matches

Thank you for considering how your workplace can support the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House. The House gladly accepts donation made via payroll deductions, matching gifts, the United Way, and the City of Philadelphia’s Combined Campaign.

Matching Gifts

Matching gifts can double or even triple the impact of your donation. Some companies may also match individual employee’s volunteer service with a financial contribution to the organization. Search below to see if your or your spouse’s company that has a matching gift program.

Employee Giving

A number of generous friends choose to support the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House by making their annual donations via payroll deductions. Please contact your Human Resources Department or Payroll Office to inquire about your employer’s workplace giving options.

Give through the United Way

You may designate donations to the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House by contributing through United Way Campaign at your workplace. On your pledge form, please use our designation number: 3288.

Give through the City of Philadelphia’s Combined Campaign

The City of Philadelphia’s Combined Campaign is the workplace giving program for employees of the City of Philadelphia. If you are a city employee and interested in making a donation to the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House please use our charity code: 30-0028.

Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Philadelphia Region Tax ID or EIN #: 23-7377505

Address: 3925 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Matching and Employee Giving Contact:

Jordan Hanchulak
(484) 473-1957